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deGrood, Fingerbomb, 2021, 84"x84", Acrylic on Canvas.

I call it Fingerbomb...

Fingerbomb, centralizes on a finger gently pressing a giant “nuclear button” that triggers a giant “sex explosion.” Despite living in a hypersexualized society where “sex sells,” sex is still considered a moral and social taboo.  Scattered chaotically amongst the explosion are various patterns, bright neon colors, and sexual innuendos such as: anal beads, strippers, phallic items, and nude women. These elements together narrate the role of sex in our society and sex from a woman’s point of view. We are taught to look at women from the “male gaze.” Women are taught to dress “conservative” and act like “one of the guys” in order to be respected, and it is oftentimes seen as “inappropriate” and not “lady-like” for a woman to comment or joke about sex and sexuality. Is it wrong for a woman to freely speak about sex, or is sex a “mans thing?” I want the viewer to question how sex can be a taboo, when everything from a Swiffer mop commercial to Chilren’s TV shows are somewhat provocative. Is this ethical, and should sex continue to be a taboo? Or is it a natural thing that can be casually inserted anywhere? Above all, Fingerbomb, tells the story of women in our society trying to own their sexuality, but despite all attempts, sex continues to be a “man’s thing.” Don’t believe me? Come back after hours and you’ll see that what’s done in the dark will always come to light.

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